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[Ch 1] Memory Rewrite

Episode 1

Takahara Emi and the Notebook


I was currently making a cat's grave on a mere whim.

On my way to school in the morning, a white cat was lying dead in the back alley which I use to take a shortcut to school.

It's not that Memori Souta is a virtuous young man who usually does such benignant things.

He is a troublesome character. Not the type to take the initiative on anything other than what he is asked to do or entrusted to do.

But while I was thinking, "This cat looks like one I used to have" or "I wonder if it's normal for stray cats to die out in the open" I was on my way to the nearby park with the corpse.

Holding the corpse in my arms, I looked at the cat up close, it’s white fur was still beautiful and shiny.

And although it was starved enough to tell at a glance that it was dead, it was a beautiful and mysterious corpse, as if it were still alive, except for its body temperature.

I dug a hole in the corner of the park, laid the corpse to rest, covered it with mud, and apologetically offered it some wildflowers.

"Well, I'm completely late, aren't I? Well, the first period is Kishikawa-sensei's boring world history, so it should be fine.”

Since I knew I wouldn't be able to make it to the first period of time. I headed to school at my own pace.


Lunch break

"Well, aren’t you a kind guy, Memori-Kun?”

It's just a whim. If that cat didn't look like Kirie, I wouldn't have done that.

My friend went to the school cafeteria while I was eating my lunch alone at my desk when my classmate, Takahara Emi spoke to me.


She and I served on the library committee last year. She's been a great help to me in my studies.


Not the flashy type, but a neat and tidy girl. Round eyes with a baby face and a semi-long haircut.


Naturally, the topic she broached was my tardiness this morning.


I tried to hide it from her, but unfortunately, she had seen me heading to the park in the morning from a distance.


It wasn’t a good idea to hide it, because it would be a pain in the ass later on, so I quickly told the truth.


By the way, Kirie is the name of my old cat (♀).

“But I'm sure she‘s grateful to you. Maybe one day, she'll come back in your dream to repay you.”

“If it does come back to thank me or to return the favor, it should make it good coz, they say that cats are heartless creatures.”

“what if you wake up and find a bunch of dried Bonito flakes and Silver Vine around your pillow?”

“I don't want to be repaid by cat standards.”

After a few more of such futile conversations, Takahara-san returned to her group of friends and I resumed my lunch.

Fifth period.


In the middle of the boring class, I fell asleep and unconsciously started dreaming. It was not a new dream.


In the dream, I was sitting alone in a dark empty space with only a floor.


Then a white cat approached me from the back.


Strangely, I immediately intuited that it was the cat from this morning.

“Nyaa, My name is Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality who has been reincarnating for hundreds of years nyow.”

The white cat called herself a goddess, but the thing she said in the end about governing sexuality was profane.


In the first place, it was strange that the cat was talking. But, I didn't pay much attention to it because I was in a dream.

“I am deeply touched by your kindness in burying my corpse this morning. Therefore, as a god, I would like to repay your kindness by granting you a gift of happiness.”

Just as Takahara-san said, it really came to repay the favor.


I didn't expect it to be a God, though.


I wonder what I'll get in return, after all, will it be just bonito flakes and silvervine?

“That blessing upon you, it can save your future nyaa! It's a memory falsification technique mew can use just with your mind. If you have this, your lust will be satiated”

..... Ooookay?

“Oho, I see nyow! You possess an incredible amount of lust. You're stubbornly trying to control it, however, in the near future, your lust will overwhelm you and fling you into a pit of despair, nyaa! In order to avoid that, you gotta use the power I gave you to find girls and XXX them one after a-nyaa-ther! If you do XXX to their XXX, then the lust will radiate out from you. It's the only way to save nyaa!”"

“Who's a sex offender in the making!”

After school

Apparently, the fifth-period doze off was a short one, and I didn't really talk in my sleep or say anything while I was asleep.   I'm glad that the screaming didn't echo in the real world, but I can't get that dream out of my head.   Am I a unique lustful person? Fulfill that desire with falsification of memory?   It's ridiculous, I'm not saying that I’m not lustful, It’s just normal for an average healthy highschooler.   That cat is ...... no, let's not think back on this anymore. As I walked out of the school gates to head home, I remembered that I was trying to borrow a world history notebook from Takahara-san.   I was going to ask her to let me copy the notes for today's first period, as I hadn't made it to the first period after all.   I'm sure she is sincere and has good grades, so I'm sure she would be happy to lend me her careful notes.   As I recall, Takahara-san was on a day shift today, so she should still be in the classroom.   I made a U-turn on the spot and started to go back the way I came. As expected, Takahara Emi remained in the classroom alone, cleaning up after the day shift.   The other day shifters in the class seemed to have quickly finished their chores and left, and no one else was there.   In a quiet classroom where the shouting of the sports club could be heard in the distance, Takahara-san was earnestly cleaning the blackboard and checking the locks on the windows. “Oh, Memori-Kun. What's wrong, did you forget something?”
“No, I was going to borrow Takahara-san's notebook from today's first period.”
“Oh, I see. Okay, wait a minute.” Then Takahara-san fished out a bag near her feet.   As I stared at her cat-like curled back, I remembered that line from my dream. “There is a unique lust ......, a memory falsification technique that can be used with my mind ......, and an outlet for lust ......” What a time to remember.   Immediately I became aware of being in the classroom alone with Takahara-san and her slender, rounded rearview.   She's in a neat uniform today, as a model for the summer clothes of the school.   A white blouse and a white summer sweater.   The gray pleated skirt is dutifully kept three centimeters below the knee, and even the socks underneath are of beautiful white color.   To be honest, it's not that I've never had an inferiority complex with her.   She was the reason why I served on the library committee last year.   This year, unfortunately, I didn't get to be on the library committee because I didn't get picked in the lottery, but I still get to wank around in the night.   After all, although she has a quiet personality and is not noticeable, her face is both cute and beautiful like Yamato Nadeshiko (ideal Japanese woman).   In addition, despite her small body, her feminine charm already comes through on top of her clothes, and her breasts are not small either.   If her attractiveness is noticed, there will be a lot of boys wooing her with their noses in the air.   The avalanche of emotions for her overflowed, and at some point, I had "high hopes" for her.   Those ridiculous dreams, those ridiculous words. “Well, the notes I want to see are good for world history, right?” I started thinking casually like a child doing a prank.   Memory falsification started. Suddenly, the world became monochrome, and all of the time, including my own, stopped.   “What's that?” information flowed into my brain without any time to panic as it was forcibly carved into my brain.   That's how the memory falsification technique is used.   One, this technique falsifies a person's memory by converting it into text and rewriting it.   Two, the technique can be applied to the same person only once a day.   Three, the person does not doubt the rewritten memory in principle.   Four, for the person, things before and after being rewritten are of equal value (but the feelings held are different).   Fifth, --------- Then dozens of pieces of information were written into my head.   Once all the information was settled in my brain, I figured out what was going on.   So, what happened in the dream wasn’t a fictional event.   It was forced into my brain now.   The world is still black and white, and I naturally understood that time has stopped, but this is a field for rewriting memories. (Should I try to use it?) I noticed that a sentence consisting of palm-sized letters was floating between me and Takahara-san. [I was asked by Memori-Kun to show him my notebook.] I already know what to do with this.   I changed the word [notebook].   And ------
Now rewriting......


Hello guys, AthK here (AthK#0422 if you wanna message me). I hope you’re doing great. This was my first-time experience doing a novel. I hope you enjoyed it. Part 2 will be coming soon. Tell me in the comment section if there are any errors. Share this novel if you like it. Thanks!




1. Silvervine

2. bonito flakes


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