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[Ch 4] Living freely(LEWDLY)

Chapter 4

The Norse goddess accepts me by the hand as we stroll down the road. 

Despite the fact that I was nude and wearing just a stole, individuals on the road didn't give any consideration to me. 

This Norse goddess additionally discussed it as usual, so perhaps it's not all that bizarre to see naked individuals like me. 

Here we are. Come on in, come on in. 

The Norse Goddess smilingly said that at that point let go of my hand and strolled into the store. 

...... huh? 

I was frozen completely still, taking a gander at the presence of the store. 

The front of the store was a mess. 

The front of the store was isolated into four rooms, every one of which was marginally bigger than the changing rooms of a clothing store, and which was all covered totally with transparent glass. 

Also, in every one of these rooms, an absurdly beautiful foreign lady stands or sits on a seat in uncovering outfits of bra and miniskirt. 

They were actively appealing to men strolling down the sunlit road in the daytime. 

I took a gander at the neon-lit store sign, paralyzed, and grateful to the Powerful Language Cheat, I could normally read the Otherworldly characters without feeling any uneasiness. 

...... Whorehouse Candlelight. 

Truly, it was indeed a whorehouse, and the glass-walled room in front was as a feature for evaluating whores. 

While I was surprised, the Norse goddess emerged from the passageway with a bizarre look all over. 

What's wrong with you? Come on in. 

The Norse goddesses entice me somewhat prettier. 

Ok, ah.

I did as I was told and entered a whorehouse for the first time in my life. 

Be that as it may, it was never going to be anything sensual there, in spite of the fact that it very well may be self-evident. 

The Norse goddess presented to me a couple of men's garments. 

Here. It was left behind an alcoholic client quite a while ago. The store's storage period is long gone, and they were intending to discard it soon, so feel free to take it.

She's comparable to her looks, Nordic Goddess. 

But then again, there really are people who forget their clothes and leave the store, aren't there? 

You're correct, I ought to get you new jeans. We have men's jeans available to be purchased in our store, these are your Onee-Chan’s treat.

The Norse Goddess gives me a couple of naval force blue, trunks-like new jeans. 

Oh, thank you.

I put on my jeans and returned the stole around my abdomen. 

The Norse goddess acknowledged the stole, which was concealing my manhood, without showing any disapproval. 

I at that point put on the garments that the visitor had abandoned. 

It seems to be an adventurer's clothing, and it was of surprisingly good quality.

A white long-sleeved shirt, long earthy colored jeans and belt, an uncommon device pack that can be held tight the belt (unfilled), cowhide shoes, and no weapons. 

Truly, it fits. You're even more attractive at this point. 

True to the form of a whore, or should I say, a whore as she praises me nonchalantly. 

To be completely forthright, I don't have the kind of look that would earn me a compliment from such a beautiful Norse goddess.

She is about 170cm tall, and her face isn't especially pleasantly covered. 

She is exceptionally standard, that is, she isn't at the level that ladies on the road would glance back at. 

All things being equal, she isn't detested from the outset, which is something to be grateful for. 

Then again, if the Norse goddess before me was strolling around in her unique world, the men on the road would be glancing back at me twice. 

Sadly, I was too dazzled by such a Nordic Goddess to look directly at her out of embarrassment.

I bow my head, gently eliminating my look. 

um, thank you for everything, 

It's fine. All the more importantly, Onii-sans's bankrupt, right? here some pocket cash.

The Norse Goddess grasped my hand and set a copper-hued coin on my correct palm. 

Uh, um, what? 

It doesn't matter, it's difficult to be poor, right?

I simply don't have a clue how much this is. 

In any case, that feeling alone is valuable. 

Perhaps she truly is a goddess, I thought for a second. 

much obliged,

I bowed my head over and again and the Nordic Goddess grinned and waved her hands before her chest with a severe grin. 

I actually couldn't quite be expressing gratitude toward her, so I expressed gratitude toward her over and over and again as I left the store.

 TL notes

Agh Shit its exam season.


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